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COVID-19 Information

COVID-19 Information and Updates

Last updated 10/31/2024

This page explains the COVID-19 protocols that are currently in place for the Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ campus community, which includes those living, learning and working on campus. As always, we follow guidelines from our local health district and the CDC. Our policies are subject to change based on local positivity rates or changes in public health guidance. The health and safety of our campus is paramount, and we thank you for your support and cooperation.

COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements

It is strongly recommended that all all students be fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine.

  • You are fully vaccinated when you have received all doses in the primary series (1–2 doses, depending on maker).
  • Boosters are recommended to stay up to date with added protection against the virus.

Keep Our Community Safe

To avoid contracting or spreading germs, continue to practice proper respiratory virus etiquette:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water or use hand sanitizer
  • Do not touch your hands to your eyes, nose, or mouth
  • Wear a mask if you have respiratory symptoms
  • Cover your cough with your elbow
  • Disinfect surfaces regularly


At this time the campus and buildings are open to visitors. This is subject to change based on local positivity rates and health guidance.

Questions? Please contact CRTeam@mitchell.edu.


Masks are not required on campus at this time. It is the right of an individual to decide if he/she/they wish to wear a mask and that decision will be respected. Mandatory masking requirements will be adjusted based on rates of transmission on campus or in our local community. As best practice, always carry a mask with you.

COVID-19 Testing

At this time, there is no requirement for students to submit a negative test to return to campus. It is recommended, however, that you test prior to returning to campus. If you test positive, stay home.

Symptoms and Exposure

If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please test immediately. Contact Health and Wellness at healthservices@mitchell.edu or call 860-701-5195 for further instruction. If you have had a close contact exposure, please do the following:

If You Are Unvaccinated

  • Test immediately and continue to monitor for symptoms. Test again in 2 to 3 days, even if not symptomatic. If symptoms develop, quarantine and test again ASAP.

If You Are Vaccinated

  • You do not need to test unless you are symptomatic. Continue to monitor for symptoms. If symptoms develop, quarantine and test ASAP.

Wear A Mask

  • Unvaccinated and vaccinated people are required to wear a mask until testing negative.


  • Students must isolate for five days. Following isolation, a mask must be worn for five additional days.


Positive Test Result

Effective April 1, 2024, upon receiving a positive test result for COVID-19, a mandatory 5-day isolation period is no longer required. If a student, faculty, or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, they must isolate until they are fever-free with no fever-reducing medication and showing signs of clinical improvement for 24 hours. (Typically, this will be less than 5 days, but it could be more. Each case varies.) Continued mask-wearing for 5 days after isolating is required.


If you have any questions regarding Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ’s COVID-19 policy please contact our COVID Response Team (CRT) at CRTeam@mitchell.edu.

Current COVID Status Level = Green

View Alert Level Descriptions

View COVID-19 Dashboard

Alert Level Descriptions

For a detailed description of each status level, view the COVID-19 Campus Alert Status and Response PDF.