A Beloved Community
From our very beginnings, Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ’s curriculum and culture has been built around nurturing and supporting the uniqueness and complexity of the whole person. We recognize that our students come to us with different family, social and cultural experiences; different learning styles and challenges; different identities/sexual orientations; and different academic and career aspirations. What they all have in common is the desire to pursue their education in an environment where they can be their best selves — physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.
We also recognize ourselves as a Beloved Community, which means we place a high value on inclusivity, respect, trust, validation and tolerance, taking care of each other both inside and outside of the classroom. We are here for our students as partners, guides and advocates, ensuring they have the community and resources they need to support every facet of their health and wellbeing.
We are a Beloved Community that values, supports, and nurtures each student’s wellbeing.
Overview of Health & Wellness Services
The Health & Wellness Center proactively provides resources, training and supports to manage students’ needs, meeting them where they are and in the ways that work best for them. We are here when they need us, as well as out in the community — on campus and off — engaging students with relevant and empowering programming to help them make informed healthcare decisions and healthier lifestyle choices. We also provide resources and connect to services for Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ faculty and staff.
Treatment Services
- Onsite Clinic
- Counseling & Psychological Services
- Referrals
Tools, Resources, Training
- Alcohol Use Disorder Resources
- Understanding Thinking/Learning
- Many Other Challenges
Leisure & Recreation
- Community Activities
- Exercise Classes
- Partner Sites
- Activity Discounts
- More
- Community Activities
Psychoeducational Programs
- Educational: Anxiety, Depression, Understanding Boundaries, Relationship Building, Stress Reduction
- Preventative: Gambling Addiction, Substance Dependence
- Recreational: Athletic Club Programs
Campus Initiatives
- JED Initiative
- Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ Fresh Check Day!
- Suicide Prevention
- Substance Abuse Prevention
- Problem Gambling Awareness
- Sexual Responsibility
Onsite Clinic
OFFICE LOCATION: Yarnall Center, 2nd floor
CALL AHEAD: 860-701-5195
- Monday: 8:00am–3:00pm (Kerry Phelan, PA Available)
- Tuesday: 8:00am–4:30pm
- Wednesday: 8:00am–4:30pm
- Thursday: 8:00am–4:30pm (Kerry Phelan, PA Available)
- Friday: 8:00am–4:30pm
The onsite Health & Wellness Clinic provides a variety of services through Northeast Medical Group (NEMG), part of Yale New Haven Health. Services include, but are not limited to:
- Evaluation and treatment of illness and injuries
- Allergy injections
- Flu vaccines
- Women’s gynecological exams
- Common prescriptions (not narcotics)
- Services related to emotional and mental wellbeing
- Patient education
Counseling & Psychological Services
OFFICE LOCATION: Yarnall Center, 2nd Floor
CALL AHEAD: 860-701-5103
EMAIL AHEAD: tircuit_g@mitchell.edu
- Monday: 9:00am–4:00pm
- Tuesday: 9:00am–4:00pm
- Wednesday: 9:00am–4:00pm
- Thursday: 9:00am–4:00pm
- Friday: 9:00am–4:00pm
- Tuesday: 12:00–4:00pm
- Thursday: 10:00am–2:00pm
Students IN CRISIS or having an EMERGENCY, may ALWAYS Walk In. However, it’s best to call or have a College staff or faculty member call Dr. Tircuit first at 860-701-5103.
- Free, confidential, individual counseling and consultations
- Immediate and VCG (Virtual Caregiver App) support for students in crisis
- In-person and telehealth appointments
- Licensed professional counselor
- Psycho-educational support
- Psychiatric referrals available
- Therapeutic (longer-term) counseling referrals available
- Grief support (click here for Tasks of Mourning sheet with links to online resources)
Find a Therapist, Psychologist, Counselor
Individual Counseling
- Adjustment Challenges
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Relationship Issues
- Stress
- Other Psychological Difficulties
Virtual Counseling through ‘Uwill Student Mental Health’
Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ students have free, unlimited access to therapists and on-demand crisis counseling. To learn more and activate an account scan the QR code below or download a Uwill health services flier.
After-Hours Clinics
If you need medical care and the Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ Health & Wellness Clinic is closed, please visit a local medical clinic.
Reasons to Visit a Walk-in Clinic
- Febrile illnesses (illness that cause a fever)
- Urinary tract infection
- Viral cough/cold
- Minor injury
- Cuts needing stitches
- Other non-life-threatening medical issues that can’t wait until business hours
Transportation to a Clinic
Harry’s Cab: 860-442-4054
Personal Transportation
Local Clinics
Northeast Medical Group (NEMG) New London Walk-In
194 Howard Street
New London, CT 06320
Phone: 860-443-7907
Monday–Friday: 8:00am–6:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am–2:00pm
Physician One Urgent Care
220 Route 12
Groton, CT 06340
Phone: 860-446-6137
Monday-Friday; 8:00am–8:00pm
Saturday-Sunday: 9:00am–5:00pm
GoHealth Urgent Care
351 N Frontage Road
New London, CT 06320
Phone: 860-865-0934
Monday–Friday: 8:00am–8:00pm
Saturday–Sunday: 9:00am–5:00pm
CVS Minute Clinic
915 Poquonnock Rd
Groton, CT 06340
Phone: 866-389-2727
Hours Vary—Call Ahead
Payment for Services
The healthcare provider will request a copy of your insurance card; make sure you have it with you. You can keep a copy in your wallet or on your phone (front and back).
When to Seek Emergency Care
You will always have to use your own judgment in making a decision to seek care at the emergency room.
Emergency (Call 911)
Emergency rooms should be used for emergencies, like life-threatening or life-altering illness.
L&M Hospital
365 Montauk Avenue
New London, CT
Open 24 hours
Pequot Health Center
52 Hazelnut Hill Rd
Groton, CT 06340
Daily: 7:00am–11:00pm
NOTE: Walk-in clinics care are for primary needs such as febrile illnesses, urinary tract infections, viral coughs/colds. Minor injuries, and cuts needing stitches, can be cared for at walk-in clinics as well. See list in the previous section.
Payment for Services
The healthcare provider will request a copy of your insurance card; make sure you have it with you. You can keep a copy in your wallet or on your phone (front and back).
Student Health Insurance
All full-time students are required to maintain adequate health insurance, either under a private plan or under the Student Health Insurance Plan sponsored by the College. All full-time, new and returning students must complete the form at to enroll in a plan or sign a waiver if you choose to maintain medical coverage in a plan other than the College-sponsored plan.
Deadline: October 1, 2023
For the 2023–2024 school year, students who did not complete the waiver by the deadline of October 1, 2023, were automatically enrolled in the College-sponsored health insurance plan and billed accordingly.
If you believe you may have coronavirus, are experiencing symptoms of coronavirus, or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus, please review the Campus COVID-19 Policies and follow the guidelines below.
COVID-19 Symptoms
If you are experiencing a fever, cough and difficulty breathing you should seek medical attention. Call 911 if you are experiencing severe symptoms.
Symptomatic or Known Exposure — Get Tested
During Our Clinic Hours
Call the Clinic: 860-701-5195
If you are symptomatic or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for coronavirus, the Health & Wellness Center will guide you in obtaining testing through Yale New Haven Health/L&M Hospital.
After Clinic Hours
Call Yale New Haven Health COVID-19 Call Center: 833-ASK-YNHH (833-275-9644)
7 days a week, 7:00am–7:00pm. Yale New Haven Health will guide you in obtaining COVID-19 testing.
After obtaining testing for COVID-19, students must contact Campus Safety and their advisor and immediately self-quarantine in their room. These students must not socialize and will get meals delivered to their room while awaiting test results.
COVID & Flu Protocols
CONTACT HEALTH & WELLNESS IMMEDIATELY when diagnosed with COVID and/or flu (influenza). Update your advisor and contact your professors to arrange any continuing or missing assignments.
Stay home for five days. After five days, contact Health & Wellness (860-701-5195) to update your return. Upon your return, you are required to wear a mask for five days.
Stay home for five days. After the five days, contact Health & Wellness (860-701-5195) to update your return. Upon your return, you are required to wear a mask for five days.
Resident Students
If diagnosed at the Health Center, Health & Wellness and Residence Life will provide verbal and written instructions for next steps. Update your advisor, and contact your professors to arrange any continuing or missing assignments.
CONTACT HEALTH & WELLNESS IMMEDIATELY (860-701-5195) if self-tested positive or diagnosed off-campus with COVID and/or flu. Contact your professors to arrange any continuing or missing assignments.
Quarantining & Isolation
Quarantining helps prevent the spread of COVID-19 that can occur from people with or without symptoms. If you have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19 during the semester you will be required to quarantine.
Isolation is used to keep individuals who test positive for COVID-19 away from others while they can spread it to others. This is a critical public health measure that prevents the transmission of COVID-19.
Medical Excuse Policy
Effective 8/29/2022
The Health & Wellness Center does not provide students with notes and/or emails to give to faculty confirming absence for medical reasons.
Students are encouraged to email their professors individually regarding their absence and copy their academic advisor on the email. Students are responsible for providing faculty the reason for the absence and for adhering to the specific attendance requirements of each course. For a student who must be absent from a class, instructors will offer reasonable assistance in making up missed work (e.g., completing labs, making up exams).
An absence from class, regardless of reason, will not result in an automatic switch to an online platform such as Zoom. Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ is committed to providing an in-person learning environment; therefore, students are responsible for working directly with their instructors regarding missed classes/missed work.
Refer to the college’s COVID-19 protocols in the event of testing positive for COVID-19.
If a student is under treatment outside of Health & Wellness Services, they may provide Health & Wellness Services with documentation to be added to their health record. This documentation may assist in conversations between the Health & Wellness Center and the Dean and/or Accessibility Services.
QUESTIONS? Contact Abigail Weymouth: weymouth_a@mitchell.edu

Explore Virtual Counseling
: Text 988
L&M Crisis:
(860) 271-4271SECT Mental Health Authority Crisis Response:
(860) 886-9302National Suicide Crisis Line:
(800) 273-TALK (800-273-8255)
Text CONNECT to 741741National Eating Disorders Helpline:
(800) 931-2237
Text NEDA to 741741Safe Futures 24-Hour Hotline (Domestic and/or Sexual Violence):
(888) 774-2900New London Police:
Emergencies 911
Non-Emergencies (860) 447-5269

Meet the Health & Wellness Team!

Gizelle Tircuit, Ph.D., L.P.C.
Director of Health and Wellness
Health Clinic
Yarnall Center 2nd floor

Abigail Weymouth, R.N.
Health Clinic
Yarnall Center 2nd floor