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Title IX and Non-Discrimination Policy

Protecting and Respecting Our Community

Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ is committed to promoting an educational and employment environment that is free from discrimination based on protected characteristics, harassment, and retaliation for engaging in protected activity, and to addressing such misconduct when it occurs. The prohibition of sexual misconduct, harassment, and discrimination applies to everyone at Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ, including all faculty members (including academic administrators), staff members (including non-academic administrators), students, trustees, alumni and all visitors to the Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ campus.

Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ values and upholds the equal dignity of all members of its community and strives to balance the rights of the Parties in the resolution process during what is often a difficult time for all involved.

To ensure compliance with federal, state, and local civil rights laws and regulations, and to affirm its commitment to promoting the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of the education program or activity, Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ has developed policies and procedures that provide for prompt, fair, and impartial resolution of allegations of protected characteristic discrimination, harassment or allegations of retaliation.


Title IX Policy Statement

Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ adheres to all federal, state, and local civil rights laws prohibiting discrimination and harassment in employment and education. The College does not discriminate in its admissions practices, employment practices, or educational programs or activities on the basis of sex, except as may be permitted by law. As a College of federal financial assistance for education activities, Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) to ensure that all of its education programs and activities do not discriminate on the basis of sex. Sex includes sex, sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy or related conditions. Sex discrimination is prohibited under Title IX and by College Policy, and it includes sex-based harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking, quid pro quo harassment, hostile environment harassment, disparate treatment, and disparate impact.   

Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or harassment or participating in any internal or external investigation or complaint process related to allegations of sex discrimination. 

Any College faculty member, employee, or student who acts to deny, deprive, or limit the educational, employment, residential, or social access, opportunities, and/or benefits of any member of the College community on the basis of sex is in violation of the Title IX Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination policy.    

Within any Resolution Process related to this Policy, Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities and religious accommodations, when that accommodation is consistent with federal and state law. 


Any person may report sex discrimination (whether or not the person reporting is alleged to have experienced the conduct) in person, by telephone, or by email, using the contact information listed for the Administrators listed below. A report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by contacting Campus Safety at 860-941-9316 or the Title IX Coordinator via email at martinez_a@mitchell.edu.


Questions regarding Title IX, including its application and/or concerns about noncompliance, should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator. A list of Title IX contacts at Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ is provided on this page. For a complete copy of the Policy or more information, please visit the Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ Title IX document or contact the Title IX Coordinator.

Other Reporting Agencies

A person may also file a complaint with the appropriate federal, state, or local agency within the time frame required by law. Depending upon the nature of the complaint, the appropriate agency may be the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR), the Department of Justice, and/or another appropriate federal or state agency.

Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Boston

U.S. Department of Education
8th Floor
5 Post Office Square
Boston, MA 02109-3921
Telephone: 617-289-0111
Facsimile: 617-289-0150
Email: OCR.Boston@ed.gov

Non-Employee Conduct

For Complaints involving employee-on-employee conduct:

CT Equal Employment Opportunity Office
171 Bow Lane (AA Office, Cottage 20)
P.O. Box 351, Middletown, CT 06457
Telephone:  860-262-5862
Facsimile:  860-262-5197




Discrimination and Harassment Allegations [not based on sex]

Student Contact

Dr. Alicia Martinez 
Dean of Student Experience and Belonging
437 Pequot Avenue, New London, CT 06320  Martinez_a@mitchell.edu 

 Faculty and Staff Contact

Christina Kydd 
Human Resources Manager 
437 Pequot Avenue, New London, CT 06320  Kydd_c@mitchell.edu 

Sex Discrimination, Sex-based Harassment Allegations

Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Alicia Martinez 
Dean of Student Experience and Belonging 
437 Pequot Avenue, New London, CT 06320
Duques 210 


Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Employees

Christina Kydd 
Human Resources Manager 
437 Pequot Avenue, New London, CT 06320 

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students  

Jill A. Engel-Hellman, M.Ed.
Interim Director of Residence Life and Student Conduct
Duques Center 211

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Athletic Equity

Ashley Kishorn 
Associate Athletics Director 
437 Pequot Avenue, New London, CT 06320 

Intake Coordinator (Students)

Emily Smith 
Administrative Coordinator for Student Affairs 
437 Pequot Avenue, New London, CT 06320

Intake Coordinator (Employees)   

Bessie Viar 
Benefits and Wellness Coordinator 
437 Pequot Avenue, New London, CT 06320 