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Division of Behavioral & Social Sciences

The Bachelor of Science in Psychology provides students with a broad understanding of the scientific study of behavior and mental processes through a focus on contemporary perspectives within the discipline.

Program Overview

The coursework in the Psychology program, coupled with research and internship opportunities, allows students to experience the connection between theory and practice while understanding, describing and explaining behavior across multiple contexts. The program integrates discipline-specific knowledge with the development of necessary skills to prepare students to pursue career opportunities and/or graduate school admission.


What You Will Learn

 The Psychology program is designed to prepares students to:

  • Explain human thought and behavior through the application of multiple theoretical perspectives
  • Evaluate observations pertaining to psychology while employing various methods of scientific inquiry
  • Develop and demonstrate positive intrapersonal/interpersonal skills essential to professional practice within the discipline

The Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ Difference

Earning a degree at Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ requires a combination of coursework and experiential learning built around our Abilities Model. This skills-based learning approach includes the following: First Year Experience, Integrative Career Development, Core curriculum, Major curriculum and exploratory electives. Every program at Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ offers unique opportunities to our broad spectrum of students for their educational, occupational and lifestyle pursuits.

The Psychology program features:


  • Hands-on learning as a way for students to explore, retain and experiment within their field of study
  • Wraparound supports that offer resources and promote community-building within the learning process
  • Organizations and activities to build community with peers, learn and have fun such as the Behavioral Science Club and Psi Chi 
  • Internship opportunities offering real-world experience to enhance our students’ education journey
  • Service learning that combines learning objectives with community service in ways that benefit both student growth and the community
  • Research that offers students the opportunities to delve deeper into subject areas of interest with faculty guidance
  • Minor and/or Microcredential(s) allowing students more compact, narrowly focused courses to develop specific skills in their area of study

Career Pathways

The Psychology program prepares students for a wide variety of careers in:

  • Education
  • Human Resources
  • Family and Social Services
  • Mental Health and Wellness
  • Addiction and Substance Abuse 
  • Crisis, Trauma and Resilience 
  • Community 

Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ graduate Sam Law found the perfect opportunity through his internship at Glow Up Therapy to put some of the skills he has acquired over the years through the Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ Ability Model to work. Critical and creative thinking, communication and technology literacy all came into play as Sam researched and wrote social media and blog posts for the mental health practice in Mystic.



Amber Lopez ‘21 completed an internship with Dr. Melissa Root and Root Success Solutions, giving her a glimpse of the career path she plans to follow. During the 11-week internship she worked on various initiatives, including a two-week study around the use of Calmpak placards, a system of relaxation recordings designed by Dr. Root. The goal was to find out how two variables — placement and introduction of the placards in residence halls — influenced their use.



Dorothy (Dot) Ames went back at Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ for a second time with a mission. She wanted to “change the world, one addict at a time.” Dot earned her associate’s degree from Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ in 1985 with the intention of continuing her schooling and ultimately working in recovery therapy. After a long pause in her schooling due to multiple traumatic life events she returned to Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ to finish the training she started with the plan of applyig to a master’s program to become a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW).


Sample Coursework: 4-Year Overview

View the College Catalog for full descriptions of these courses.

Year 1
Fall Semester Cr. Spring Semester Cr.
CW101: Introduction to College Writing 3 CW102: College Writing and Research 3
FC101: Seminar I Compass 3 FC102: Seminar II Journey 3
PY105: General Psychology I 3 PY106: General Psychology II 3
General Education Selection 3 New London: Then and Now 3
Explore (HD108: Intro to Human Dev.) 3 General Education 3
Fall Credits: 15 Spring Credits: 15
Total First Year Credits 30
Year 2
Fall Semester Cr. Spring Semester Cr.
HD110: Race, Ethnicity and Culture 3 HS230: Human Services Career Sem. 3
PY216: Psychology of Well-Being 3 BS/PYXXX: Major Elective selection 3
General Education selection 3 General Education Selection 3
General Education selection 3 General Education Selection 3
Explore (SO103: Intro to Soc.) 3 Explore (SO104: Social Problems) 3
Fall Credits: 15 Spring Credits: 15
Total Second Year Credits 30
Year 3
Fall Semester Cr. Spring Semester Cr.
BS330: Behavioral Statistics 3 BS331: Research Methods I 3
HD305: Ethics, Character, Moral Dev. 3 IN340: Internship 3
PY300: Brain and Behavior 3 PY303: Social Psychology 3
PY320: Theories of Personality 3 PY375: History and Systems of Psych. 3
Explore 3 Explore 3
Fall Credits: 15 Spring Credits: 15
Total Third Year Credits 30
Year 4
Fall Semester Cr. Spring Semester Cr.
BS/PYXXX: Major Elective selection 3 PY392: Counseling Theories 3
Diversity Course selection 3 BS490: Behavioral Sciences Capstone 3
General Education selection 3 Explore 3
Explore 3 Explore 3
Explore 3 Explore 3
Fall Credits: 15 Spring Credits: 15
Total Fourth Year Credits 30
Total Credits to Graduate: 120

Ready to Take the Next Step?

