Meet the Campus Safety Team

Full-Time Staff

Joseph Belinski
Campus Safety Officer

Anders (Andy) Jepsen
Campus Safety Officer

Gary Jost
Campus Safety Officer

Michael Poletto
Campus Safety Officer

Jake Delmonte
Campus Safety Officer

Dashawn Frederick
Campus Safety Officer

Kevin Leach
Campus Safety Officer
Part-Time Staff
Michael Malley
Campus Safety Officer
Richard Miller
Campus Safety Officer
Gregory Palmer
Campus Safety Officer
Important Phone Numbers
On Campus
Campus Safety: 860-443-0214 or 860-941-9316 or 4590 from any campus phone
Campus Safety Guard Booth: 860-701-5119
Campus Safety Anonymous Tip Line: 860-701-5118
Local Emergency/Law Enforcement
Emergency: 9-1-1 or 9-9-1-1 from a campus phone
New London Police 860-447-5269
Student Wellbeing
Health and Wellness: 860-701-7787
Advising: 860-701-5079
Links & Hotlines
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
860-886-9302 (New London, Southeastern Mental Health Authority), OR
2-1-1 (or dial 9-2-1-1 from a campus phone), OR
1-800-273-8255 or (National Suicide Prevention Hotline)
U.S. Department of Education: Campus Safety and Security
Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Eastern CT (SACCEC) ]. 24 hour crisis hotline 860-437-7766 or
Annual Campus Security & Fire Safety Report
View the 2022 Annual Campus Security & Fire Safety Report here.
Policy on Response to Opioid Drug Overdose
View policy on “Response to Opioid Drug Overdose” here.
Policy on Use of Medical Marijuana
View policy on “Use of Medical Marijuana” here.
When Should I Call?
You should contact Campus Safety at 860-443-0214 IMMEDIATELY when there is…
-any crime whether actual or suspected
-any incident where a weapon is displayed or indicated or found
-any suspicious or unknown packages are observed
-any suspicious activity or person is observed on or near campus
-any injury whether accidental or intentional
-any requests for police or medical services
-any other hazards such as electrical, environmental or slippery conditions around campus
Remember: If you witness an event which you would consider life threatening call “9-1-1” immediately and then call Campus Safety.
Rave Emergency Alerts
Emergency Alerts through RAVE Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety, the leader in mobile safety, to offer an emergency notification system. Rave Alert is capable of sending users text, voice, and email messages in the event of campus emergencies. Sign Up or Edit Contact Information Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ students, faculty and staff may sign up to receive emergency alerts through RAVE or edit their contact information for an existing RAVE account at . Use your Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ network ID and password. If you need help accessing, please email
Emergency Blue Lights
The campus has nine blue light emergency towers and twelve emergency call boxes strategically placed around campus to aid students, faculty and staff in times of an emergency. Each location has instructions on what to press in order to be immediately connected to Campus Safety. These emergency light towers and building call boxes are readily identifiable by the blue light beacons affixed to the tower or directly above the call box.
What To Do If...
I lose my student ID?
Report the lost identification to Campus Safety. Go to the Library anytime during regular hours, M-F from 8:30am-5:30pm, to obtain a new student identification for a $25.00 fee.
I need to report something lost or stolen?
Contact Campus Safety at 860-443-0214 or x4590 from any campus phone.
I need a ride off campus?
Contact Uber, Lyft or a local taxi company.
I am locked out of my room?
Contact your RA or Residence Hall Director
I need an ATM machine?
The only ATM machine on campus is located in the lobby of the Yarnall Center. The hours of the Yarnall Center are Sunday-Thursday 8am-9pm, Friday 8am-7pm, and Saturday 8am-5pm. After hours, you may contact Campus Safety at 860-941-9316 to let you in.
There is a parking ban?
If there is a parking ban in effective all vehicles on upper campus MUST be parked in the commuter lot until the parking ban has been lifted. If you are a RAVE subscriber, you will be notified via RAVE message when the parking ban is in effect and when it has been lifted.
Title IX
Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment that is free from sexual misconduct and to addressing such misconduct when it occurs. The prohibition of sexual misconduct applies to everyone at Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ, including all faculty members (including academic administrators), staff members (including non-academic administrators), students, trustees, alumni and all visitors to the Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ campus. Visit Title IX Policy.
Parking Permits
All students, faculty, and staff are required to obtain a Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ parking permit if they intend to park on Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ property. Parking rules and regulations will be provided when you obtain your permit.
Parking permits may be obtained by filling out the Parking Permit Application Form and bringing it to the Campus Safety office.
Location: Nathan Hale 105
Hours: Monday–Friday, 7:00am-3:00pm
There is no fee for the parking permit and the permit is active for the entire time you operate the vehicle while you are a student or employed by Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ.
There is NO student parking on the main campus Monday–Friday, 7:00am-6:00pm.
Students who are also part-time employees of Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ are required to follow the student parking regulations regardless of whether or not they are working at the time they park.
Photo Identification
Photo identification cards/replacement ID cards for current students, faculty or staff may be obtained in the Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ Library M-F from 8:30am-5:00pm. Library hours are posted at .
Campus Map & Directions
Personal Safety
Campus Safety & Local Police Campus Safety Officers are employed by our college to monitor activities in and around campus to ensure the safety and security of the entire Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ community. The New London Police Department is the local police force, which has criminal jurisdiction over the Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ campus and the city of New London. The Department of Campus Safety maintains a fabulous relationship with the New London Police, which enhances the overall safety and security of our community. Prevention is the best way to protect yourself. Opportunity crimes (like stealing an unattended laptop) are among the most common campus crimes. Adapt the suggestions below to minimize your personal danger:
Lock your doors and windows when you leave your living space or car! By locking up, you remove opportunities for an intruder to get in easily.
Be aware of your surroundings! It’s best not to wear earbuds and focus on your phone when you walk. Not paying attention makes you a target. If you choose to wear earbuds, keep one of them out and keep the volume low enough that you can hear danger approaching
Walk with a friend at night! A person walking alone makes a better target.
Park in areas that are well-lit and patrolled! Keep in mind that street parking is often darker and less likely to be monitored by campus safety staff.
Have your keys ready! In a dangerous situation, having your keys in hand can allow you to get into your living space or car as quickly as possible.
Keep intruders out! Propped doors give easy access to people who are not well-intentioned and create an opportunity for them to commit crimes and do harm. So, close any propped doors and report them right away! Put the emergency and non-emergency numbers for campus safety into your phone! You can call campus safety to report a crime, when you notice something strange or when you feel threatened. Trust your instincts!
Stash your valuables in a safe, hidden spot! It’s best to minimize the number of valuables you bring to college. Using a small personal safe or an unexpected hiding spot (like an empty cereal box) might prevent someone from swiping something important.
Immediately report facility problems! If a window won’t close or a lock is jammed, report the problem to your residence hall staff right away!
Escorts: Campus Safety will provide escorts around the campus upon request.
RUN. HIDE. FIGHT. | Active Shooter
Download: Be Prepared for Active Shooter FEMA flyer
Contact members of the Department of Campus Safety with any questions at
Fire Safety
Know where to access and how to use fire extinguishers. Know where they are and consider purchasing one for your bedroom. P.A.S.S. Method of Fire Extinguisher Use PULL… Pull the pin. This will also break the tamper seal. AIM… Aim low, pointing the extinguisher nozzle at the base of the fire. SQUEEZE… Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent. SWEEP… Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until it appears to be out.
Evacuate every time the fire alarm sounds. Late night alarms are inconvenient, but evacuating will save your life – and protect first responders – in a true emergency.
Be aware of the location of emergency exits. If smoke is in the hallway, could you evacuate? Count the number of doors to a fire exit in a residence hall and make sure you know the location of secondary exits in off-campus residences.
Make sure smoke alarms are functional. Smoke alarms should be tested twice a year. In off-campus residences, there should be one inside every bedroom, outside sleeping areas and on every level (including the basement). Any batteries should be replaced annually.
Refer to the for guidance on what is and what is not allowed in your dorm room!!!
For more information regarding fire safety go to the U.S. Fire Administration at